about this!
We want your business to grow, use its potential and prosper into the business you want it to be.
Ask yourself this about your I eligible to claim TFES....then ask us.
Our Vision

To ensure all Tasmanian businesses are eligible to gain the benefits of the TFES, we want to assist you in obtaining payments under this scheme.
We want Tasmanian businesses to grow and prosper and sustain in an environment that has the disadvantage of the Bass Strait not linking us to the mainland by road or rail.
The TFES assistance is uncapped.
For the 2021/22 financial year, the TFES paid eligible claimants $166,318,759.54*.
All eligible Tasmanian businesses should be claiming the TFES.
With over 15 years of experience in the TFES we can achieve results for you with regard to the eligibility of your goods, completion of claims, and making the necessary representation to the TFES team on any issues that arise.
* Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development- Selected Expenditure Information
Company Profile

Our staff have diverse working backgrounds in Tasmania, mainland of Australia and overseas across many industries. These are in the fields of Transport and Logistics, Engineering, Project Management, Scientific Research, Architecture, Accounting, and Business Management.
We pride ourselves on knowing what the client is wanting and advising them on the best way to claim assistance. Our partners in, Manufacturing, Mining, Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, and the transport and logistics of these entities are managed in accordance with strict internal and external compliance regimes.
Our interaction with Commonwealth and the State Government sees us on the front foot of impending and noted changes to the TFES. Managing Director Lee spent 7 years with Centrelink now Services Australia working as both Manager and Team Leader of the Tasmanian Transport Programs.
There, Lee mostly developed the program into what it is, with many of the decisions on the effectiveness of the TFES and its interaction with customers as well as the blueprint of its future being part of Lee's care. Prior to leaving the Commonwealth Government Lee developed his skills as Team Leader and Investigator with the Serious Non-Compliance (Fraud) Team.
Be satisfied when contacting the Freight Scheme Experts that you will be given great advice, we will answer any technical questions you have, and be sure that we will act promptly when we process your claims.