Our Services
The Freight Scheme Experts was formed in 2014 and came out of a combined 15 year’s experience in the management of the Tasmanian Transport Programs
Tasmanian Freight Equalisation Scheme (TFES)
Bass Strait Vehicle Equalisation Scheme (BSPVES)
Tasmanian Wheat Freight Scheme (TWFS) - now dissolved
We can achieve results for you with regard to the registration of your business, eligibility of your goods, completion of claims and when necessary, making appropriate representation to the TFES team on any issues that arise.
We have the expertise to help your business receive the assistance it deserves under the TFES and we want to make your business more competitive with mainland and overseas counterparts.
Our Services

Moving goods to and from the mainland
The TFES scheme assists in alleviating the sea freight cost disadvantage incurred by shippers of eligible non-bulk goods moved by sea.
North from Tasmania to mainland Australia;
South from mainland Australia to Tasmania; or
Intrastate between the main island of Tasmania and either King Island or any island in the Furneaux Group (KIFG)
Northbound other markets goods, covering goods shipped to the Australian mainland and then transported to other markets
Southbound imported goods, that cover imported goods used in manufacturing, mining, agriculture, forestry, and fishing businesses
Its objective is to provide Tasmanian industries with equal opportunities to compete in mainland markets, recognising that, unlike their mainland counterparts, Tasmanian shippers do not have the option of transporting goods interstate by road or rail.
TFES Ministerial Directions June 2021
Packing & Unpacking
Only the person who actually incurs the costs of shipping eligible, non-bulk goods is eligible to claim assistance under the scheme. This determination is sufficient to be eligible for assistance shipping northbound goods and some intrastate goods.
However, to be eligible for assistance shipping southbound goods and some intrastate goods, the person or business also must either be:
engaged in the manufacturing, mining, agriculture, forestry or fishing industry
a sportsperson competing in a sporting event where prize money is paid; or
a professional entertainer performing in a show or event for payment.
TFES Ministerial Directions June 2021
Air Freight
Goods shipped as air cargo are eligible for assistance under the Scheme in special circumstances, as approved by the Minister or the Secretary.
such as when a shipping service is not available due to industrial disputation, mechanical failure or vessel maintenance.
TFES Ministerial Directions June 2021